By flaps - 19/08/2009 21:02 - United States

Today, I re-dislocated my arm trying to get it out of the cast it was in because I didn't want to pay the $50 dollar fee to get it taken off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 709
You deserved it 95 437

Same thing different taste


Thisnametaken 0

I'm sorry. I absolutely understand why you tried doing it on your own. We have insurance but it sucks so bad, I practically try to fix myself with duct tape rather than go in. :-)

pay your healthcare bills cheapskate, thats what you get, always want something for free

ydi , you should have payed it. Or , better idea , if you go in the shower with it [assuming it's the plaster kind that is safe to do so] then it'll come off like that. If it's the newer kind [where they show you pictures of what happens when it gets wet and it's not pretty!] then just pay it.

FMLable 0

What's your source? I live in Alberta, Canada and that certainly isn't the case here. Need an MRI? The median wait time across Canada is 2 1/2 months. NOT two years. Broke a bone? There might be a wait in the ER but you get your cast and you get it that day, free of charge. Bit by a snake? Go to the ER and receive immediate treatment. Need a doctor's appointment? Call in the morning or visit a walk-in clinic and you'll be seen within hours. I can't speak for the UK but I know that my great-uncle, who is hospitalized in England with severe Alzheimers, is not financially burdening his wife or any other family members, thanks to universal health care.

i_is_a_tr00l 0


YDI for being a cheap bastard. Pay your taxes, vote, and then complain about things.

While I'm not sure the US has the infrastructure to go for fully socialized healthcare, something needs to be done. I paid for private health insurance out-of-pocket for 5 years because I was self employed. It was ridiculously expensive, and when I developed a chronic condition, I got dropped for costing the company too much. Now I can't get another insurance company to cover my pre-existing condition, and I'm not eligible for state healthcare. Even if I had the money for expensive procedures I need, it's very difficult to get an appointment with high quality doctors without insurance. The receptionists basically hang up on you. Insurance has gotten so outrageous that employers can't afford to offer it, especially in this economy. There are a lot of Americans whose lives are completely ****** because their medical problems keep them from working, which keeps them from being able to afford treatment, which keeps them unemployed... It's a vicious cycle. Health care costs are SO inflated by drug & insurance company fat cats and frivolous lawsuits. We definitely need, at minimum, SOME form of major government regulations for health insurance, drug companies, etc., and some way for "high-risk" people with chronic issues to have access to GOOD doctors and treatment methods. And yes, we need it NOW. People in the US, one of the richest countries in the world even in this recession, are literally dying while stalled in the no-man's-land that is our shitty system. I for one would be glad to wait for 6 months if I had to, if it meant I could actually get some ******* relief.

ditzykayla 0

This may very well be one of the saddest thing's I've ever heard. Though last year when I was at the orthodontist there was a lady in there telling us a story of how a boy's dad took his braces off with a pair of pliers because the coach wouldn't let him play football with them on.

x_Leopard_x 1

Lol, wow you're pretty stupid. =S