By shewantsmedead - 26/01/2017 18:00

Today, I ran into my mother-in-law, who I absolutely can't stand, with my car at 5 mph by accident. She jumped out in front of me after a particularly nasty argument, but my husband won't believe me and neither will the police. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 065
You deserved it 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like she planned this so that she can press charges against you. I'd invest in a good lawyer and get as many friends and family on your side that can vouch for how antagonistic your mother-in-law has been in the past. If you can prove that you don't have a history of reckless behavior when agitated, that would help too.

<p>If I were you I wouldn't have gone at 5mph</p>


Is the husband worth this? Choices are move far away from this woman or end the marriage. If the husband won't get behind you when the police are involved his is too serious to just let it pass!