By RestlessDiesel - 18/04/2016 14:40 - United States - Hudson

Today, I pulled off the road to help a turtle cross it. Before I could get out of my car a dump truck ran over the turtle, splattering my car with turtle guts and bits of shell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 065
You deserved it 1 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you were too slow heheh... I'll leave now


You are a kind soul, we need more people like you on this planet. Don't stop being good. You are an amazing person!

Why did the turtle cross the road? To become roadkill soup.

Why did the turtle cross the road? To become roadkill soup.

hoosiergirl94 31

I'm sorry, but that's a YDI. I understand you want to help save a life, blah blah. You could've been the splatter rather than the turtle. Be smart, be safe, let nature run its course.

Getting run over by a HUMAN isn't an act of nature, so there's no nature to let run its course.

man has a point

Helldemon 32

Not really, two completely different situations.

It's really heartbreaking when things like that happen. Sorry OP. I was driving through TX and there were lots of turtles in the road. I rescued a few, but when I was in the process of trying to get to yet another, a bit truck swerved into my lane to run over the turtle. Some people are really sadistic.

kingdomgirl94 29

This reminds me of the lady who pulled over for ducks and two motorcyclists ran into the back of her car and died and everyone blamed her and she got a long time in jail for it. Super big news story last year I think

That drove me nuts. She should not have gone to jail at all. I read that the bike was going way too fast to begin with, and for the driver of the bike to not notice the car in front of him getting way to close, too fast, he couldn't have been paying attention to the road.

Yeah, though I thought it was she stopped in the road. She said she had her blinkers on and it was said the driver couldn't have been paying attention and had to be speeding, but woman who lost her family's word that it didn't happen that way vs the woman who stopped. Guess people believed the first.

May I ask, why did she go to jail? I mean, what was she charged with?

Well I'm not so sure now about slow and steady winning the race.

Fake, we all know those things flip you over..