By RestlessDiesel - 18/04/2016 14:40 - United States - Hudson

Today, I pulled off the road to help a turtle cross it. Before I could get out of my car a dump truck ran over the turtle, splattering my car with turtle guts and bits of shell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 065
You deserved it 1 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you were too slow heheh... I'll leave now


that turtle is and this is the sad dead as Ariel dreemers exsistance

Poor turtle , and the guts must be gross. Be more careful though it could've been you hit by the truck .

Dodge4x4Ram 46

was there a rat around crying by any chance?

Same thing happened to me. 11 years later and I'm still scarred from the horrific sight.

MallowMistress 13

OMG! that happened to me and a friend! We had passed by, and came back a few minutes later, pulled over, and two big trucks moved over and smushed it. :(

brocho 26

Aww, this actually happened to me when I was a kid and my mom and I tried to help a turtle across the road! The terrible thing was that the truck that hit him did so in an attempt to move around our car! I started bawling right there!

thank you very much for atleast trying for people like me who adore animals.

You did good.. Its just shitty luck this time.....

FTTL. **** the turtle's life. At least if it had to happen, you weren't out there trying to help the turtle and being sprayed personally with its guts. Good of you to try and help it.

Wow the same exact thing happened to my aunt except instead of a dump truck it was an 18 wheeler.