By RestlessDiesel - 18/04/2016 14:40 - United States - Hudson

Today, I pulled off the road to help a turtle cross it. Before I could get out of my car a dump truck ran over the turtle, splattering my car with turtle guts and bits of shell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 065
You deserved it 1 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you were too slow heheh... I'll leave now


catanita 18

Poor thing. Many animals perish due to our roads. It is very sad.

wow that sucks when people like you do nice things just because you can. but then it backfires and it doesn't work out at all.

catanita 18

There is a saying: No good deed goes unpunished. Somehow applies here.

I think this is really more of an Fml for the turtle.

BillysBurgers 5

OP, you deserve two things. Praise for trying to help a turtle cross the road. Therapy for that horrible, horrible accident.

The turtle should not have been on the road

Why did the turtle cross the road? To fill up on dishell!