By Anonymous - 17/05/2011 16:15 - United States

Today, I posted my status on Facebook as "slightly hungover." My grandma commented on it with "liar, you were helping me clean last night." She's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 380
You deserved it 70 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're cool. Posting fake Facebook starters always makes you cooler.

You're cool. Posting pictures of yourself with big headphones and not smiling always means you're cool.


Gma caught you slippin yo!! lol... You ain't got to lie to kick it! 

and since when is it cool to be hungover?

BAMF519 0

well r u drinking wit ur grandma cuz I would do the same if I was old enough, cuz I would feel like one cool mother ****** if u no Wat I mean.... I don't even no Wat I mean?

tucansam555 3

oh grandma.. you make everything better..

CSRozell 4

****** loser drinking doesn't make you cool. your gma didn't drink and she has more fb friends lmao

Op, would you mind explaining your thinking behind that post? What exactly do you THINK would happen? Our condolances, Everyone Reading This FML.

SayPeanuts 29

He probably thought a bunch of really popular kids were going to like it and leave comments congratulating him on his coolness.

lol now grandmas have fb :) and you totally deserved it!

jennifer93 0

wow ydi for sureee....that's pretty embarrassing, how about don't lie next time?I respect a guy who would help his grandma one night than go out drinking...

dadof2 4

im not sure whats worse u lied about a status or that granny caught u