By Anonymous - 17/05/2011 16:15 - United States

Today, I posted my status on Facebook as "slightly hungover." My grandma commented on it with "liar, you were helping me clean last night." She's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 380
You deserved it 70 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're cool. Posting fake Facebook starters always makes you cooler.

You're cool. Posting pictures of yourself with big headphones and not smiling always means you're cool.


Helping your grandma clean is more cool than getting wasted anyway. And as far as I know, being generous doesn't have any bad side-effects. I'm not being a prude, I'm just speaking as someone whom has had experience with hangovers and deeply regrets it.

gayboii, didn't you just say you wanted people to like you? well, being an asshole won't help.

FreebirdIII 1

Trying way to hard, and failing. cough

gayboii, don't pm me ever again to tell me a comment of mine was moderated. that's pathetic.

well i guess im pathetic then aint i???

Will people stop using the comments section as a chat room, please?

ugh i said one thing and everyone starts picking on me ):

That's why you should think before you say things. You actually seem to talk crap constantly.

traze 7

Damm. Y'all going to make this kid blow his brains out. "Coming up on the news, former member of FML shot himself after cyber bullying" at 11.

peppermintstick 0

#23 I agree! If someone is going to think you're lame for helping a family member, do you really want to be friends with them anyway?

traze 7

Go **** yourself Kay. You get off on doing this. He said one ******* thing and hop on like nymph on free dicks.

this site depresses me... i hate myself even more than a did before everytime i come on here .... i would just leave if i actually had anything better to do

traze 7

Of course it affects me. He's ******* 15 and you are how old?...

Traze, I'm 15 as well and even I can see the blatant idiocy in some of his comments, I also don't expect to be treated any differently for it so that's not an excuse.

traze 7

It's a ******* website, what point of it is going to make a difference? It's like laughing at a man that can't walk...

gayboii, please. you pull this shit all the time and then cry about it. don't do it if you don't want the reaction.

114 - thanks fur helping me out mate... i appreciate it but i think we all know that this was my fault and no one is on our side... thanks anyways

Thank you for manning up. But still, don't pull that stunt again. It was pointless.

traze 7

Kay you yourself is no better than a troll. For you seek out a statement of a troll and then begins to defecate on it and isn't one part of the definition of a troll is one who wants to make an identity of his or her self...

Enough is enough guys; please cut it out. Nobody wants to see or scroll all the way past this many pointlessly angry voices. It's an entertainment website, not a bashing ground. Thanks a lot, guys and girls. :-)

Well, that was entertaining. Can we stop now?

CateXOX 0

I would just like to say that you're all as bad a gayboii. There's no need to fight fire with fire over one harmless troll.

JANE! :D *Wave* #159 I would just like to point out that I didn't harass gayboii after he insulted me. *Shrug*

CateXOX 0

167- Don't worry, I wasn't accusing you. :)

fyl op WTF ITT ... lol cool story bros

Egnar 19

The sad thing isn't that you helped your grandmother with clean - It could have been New Years Eve on a Saturday and it's still an admirable thing to do, even if all your friends start calling you "gay" and whatever other slang people use in your area. The sad thing is that you felt so pressured to pretend to act the way you 'think' people are supposed to act that you needed to lie about a feeling that isn't even worth feeling, ever, in order to look cooler. You should probably reevaluate yourself just a little bit.

CateXOX 0

Finally someone on FML with sympathy for others and more emotion than an egg.

I am so glad to see that someone on this site doesn't act like a complete moron. Well said, 26. I agree with you 100%.

txgirl2013 14

you should have commented..."I snuck out last night also"

HahaYDI 0

*Likes your grandma's comment*

ECMchase 0

comment moderated because the OP is a dumbass

;D OMG, did you just moderate yourself? Too cute! I like that.

LukeNukem_fml 3

and just what are you hoping to achieve from that? idiot.

perdix 29

Why couldn't you be drunk-cleaning? I thought you hillbillies drank cleaning fluids to get ****** up when the moonshine runs short.

Funny, I thought the same of all Americans. >.>

239- Why the hate? I don't get people who judge by country you reside in. Not my fault I was born in this country. That's just as judgemental and close minded as racisim. Go get a life and be happy, troll.

CateXOX 0

Nah, I bet you and your grandma are party animals.