By Anonymous - 17/05/2011 16:15 - United States

Today, I posted my status on Facebook as "slightly hungover." My grandma commented on it with "liar, you were helping me clean last night." She's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 380
You deserved it 70 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're cool. Posting fake Facebook starters always makes you cooler.

You're cool. Posting pictures of yourself with big headphones and not smiling always means you're cool.


would have been cooler in my book if you had written "Helping Grandma clean today!!" Family men are always cool.

missmaryb 0

Why? Because you think it's cool that people think you drink and drink too much? What a douche.

ELBpink64 0

if anyone asks say your grandma is crazy and that was LAST weekend.

Why I don't get is why you would then put this on FML... Isn't it bad enough facebook saw it??

How pathetic can you be? Not the helping your grandma clean part but lying about being drunk as if people are supposed to be impressed by that...

Even grandmothers have Facebook 0.o oh gawd.