By Anonymous - 17/05/2011 16:15 - United States

Today, I posted my status on Facebook as "slightly hungover." My grandma commented on it with "liar, you were helping me clean last night." She's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 380
You deserved it 70 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're cool. Posting fake Facebook starters always makes you cooler.

You're cool. Posting pictures of yourself with big headphones and not smiling always means you're cool.


Ally14654 0

How about not lying? Not lying makes you cooler and sometimes smarter you know. ;)

Lying about being hungover on Facebook is pathetic. Your grandma being able to use Facebook is win.

I find this fml funny and the face that your grandma has a facebook

Why do people allow their Relatives to see their wall posts?

There isn't anything significant about being hungover.