By samsterling - 13/03/2016 22:30 - United States - Blacksburg

Today, I paid $500 for a gym membership after moving into a brand new house, since 12 years of software development has taken its toll. When I told my instructor about my goal to lose 35lbs in two months, he simply said, "Yeah... That's not going to happen. Try another gym," and left promptly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 356
You deserved it 4 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He kind of did his job there though....the average healthy weight-loss rate is approximately 1-2 lbs per week ish? Weight-loss as rapid as you wanted could really screw you up.

35 pounds in 2 months is really a bit high but 20 to 25 should be possible.


Lots of comments saying that the trainer was being realistic. But that doesn't mean the trainer should have told him to try another gym and walk out. That's just unprofessional.

Idk about the particulars of the gym but maybe he meant that the gym equipment wasn't oriented toward that? I mean if it has treadmills and bikes and such then thats good for weight loss but if all they have is weight lifting machines then that gym really isnt for you: packing on more muscle means more weight. Either way, he could have been significantly more tactful.

That's not quite how it works. Most people want to lose fat not weight. Purely doing cardio means a good chunk of the weight you're losing can be muscle (along with fluid and fat). Weight exercises promote the maintenance and growth of lean muscle which in turn promotes greater fat loss.

You may have gotten to this point through a lack of education, so take the advice on here, but I don't wholly blame you for your unrealistic expectations. The fact is fast weight loss is pushed in our society, and considering this, your goal wasn't that far out of the realm of reality. It wasn't 10 lbs a week. However, $500 membership? How? Why? I'm not saying you have to go with a free app or run in the park, but there's plenty of gyms founded on the idea of low cost (ex. 10 Gym). Yes, there may be people there quick to give up and less perks, but the equipment is the same. Trainers, I personally think are irrelevant (no offense to anyone). They don't have any information you can't get and motivation has to ultimately come from within. Good luck to you, OP.

Not to mention you'll be gaining muscle mass while losing fat, therefore you're more likely to gain weight at first.

Dear friends, OP here, First, thanks for getting this featured wow....I honestly didn't expect this. Second, I'd like to tell you lot about my sort of mishap. I own and run two software biotech corporations, and work roughly 80 hours a week. This not only sets a toll on me physically, but mentally as well. Often times I don't even know what I'm saying, I'm so stressed out and tired. The good news is that I am selling one of my corporations next month, so I can spend more time with my family from now on. The way the gym instructor acted was incredibly inappropriate. He refused to give me a ******* refund on the $500 down payment I had made for the next six months. I say six months, because that's what I mean. I wanted to lose 35lbs in six months. THAT, should be doable. For all of you saying I am ill-minded and deserve it, I do not agree. I was treated completely unprofessionally, and will be filing a lawsuit against that company unless they agree to refund me. My brother is a very successful lawyer, and I have no doubt that we will win. Anyway, I hope that you learned a bit from this - I'm not an unhealthy person, as I swam competitively in college, and prided myself to be mostly muscle. However that was in 1997, and I've evolved a lot now. For everyone here who stood up for me, thank you! I hope my weight loss journey continues as smoothly as I thought!

BloodyGlass 10

Exactly, you were not unreasonable, the guy was a total asswipe, hope you win your case. :D

Maybe you can find an independent trainer instead of one associated with a gym? Or there's a local college some of the athletes are personal trainers to make some cash on the side.

You say six months but your post says 2

I agree you should be able to lose 35+ pound in 6 months. Get your money back and find out who there competitor is and go to them and let them know your doing it also.

That isnt healthy. He shouldnt have walked out, but telling you it isnt reasonable was a true statement.

His reply to you was very rude and way to discourage you.I would deff ask for a refund or ask for another trainer. They could help come up with a realistic goal,plan and motivation. Good luck!

Sorry, but if you can afford $500 for a gym, your life hardly sucks. And there wasn't any other option but YDI.

nameisname 12

If you lose 35 lbs in two months your body will just gain it back much quicker. That's a little to much to lose in short amount of time try for 20-25