By disasterbutton - 09/02/2010 00:28 - United States

Today, I noticed that my neighbor's house has a clear view of my daughter's bathroom. There is a telescope in his window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 788
You deserved it 3 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why don't people just put curtains over their damned bathroom windows!? It's not that hard to install them. Or better yet, replace the glass with the kind you can't actually see through!

sucksforyoudude 0

looks like it's time for a house call! break the damn thing!


Just sit there with a rifle with a scope on it and wait for him. Maybe when he looks again he will see you aiming at him and he will get the message. I don't think the cops can do anything unless you can prove that he was looking at your daughter so if I were you I would handle it myself and make sure he would be so scared to even look your way again.

there is a telescope in the window?? wow you're daughters **** must be tiny.

bfffness 0

why the **** would she leave the blinds open in the bathroom if people outside have a clear view... she probably wants him to look.

bfffness 0

like all you ******* wouldn't look at a hot chick through your window... just cuz he wants to zoom in, that makes him a perv all of the sudden? and I bet OP just made that shit up about the telescope pointing directly at her window, it probaby really is for looking at stars. if you really give a shit about your daughter's dignity, buy some blinds or curtains dumbfuck.

mylifeisover1305 0