By heartbroken - 30/03/2011 00:15 - United States

Today, I managed to convince the girl of my dreams to stop being so shy, and put herself out there to get her crush to make a move. It worked. And yet as it turns out, I'm not her crush after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 535
You deserved it 13 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

briidontgive_ 0

Maybe you should have taken some of your own advice and let her know you like her ?

Egnar 19

Here's the skinny from somebody who has "been there, done that", OP. Stop wasting your time trying to make girls make the move on you because if it works, it works great - However, if you get a really shy girl you'll develop far too much of a connection to her with your time invested than she has developed with you. This is ok if the feeling is mutual but if it's not you'll be completely crushed by somebody that shouldn't mean much to you in the first place. Instead, PUT YOURSELF out there and make the move quickly. . .If she turns you down no harm done to you, AND, the added bonus of you not caring so much because you have no time invested. Now, I'm not saying go out there and ask every girl out on the street out just because the word know isn't as devastating as you think but I am saying you can't go out there putting all your time and effort into girls based off silly assumptions.


Well hey, at least you helped someone. :)

Why didn't you make the move before she made hers :/. YDI

varkey 7

@101: This. So many times... except it's "Should have" why were you so convinced that you were her crush? ydi

Floyd4Ever 0

that's what making assumptions gets you

lolwutguy 0

don't assume. it makes an ASS out of U and ME. thats a classic


your fault for making a dumbass move. be more perceptive over the situation and you grow up just like me. I b trollz

angel_quis 4

dont be so mean yahh it was stupid but still now he nows better btw the game

just remember she needs what will make her happy, not what will make you happy. sorry to hear it though

ahhah I know it's lame but this exact same thing is happening to me. Except I'm a female and he's a... guy. Hurts to listen to your crush rant on and on about another (in my case) ;( OP I totally feel for ya~ FYL.

mandalore92 0

OP is a dumbass. why doesn't he stop being shy, put himself out there, and ask the girl out ffs.

teemooegan 9

don't ya just hate it when your good deeds kick you in the ass!