By Anonymous - 07/02/2012 02:08 - United States

Today, I made a Sim of myself and had her work out until she was completely fit, then got her a job and a husband. Meanwhile, I sat at my desk, fat, single, and jobless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 105
You deserved it 42 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well then. I think you need to be more optimistic OP! You aren't single and fat! You're liberated and well endowed! Yeah. Sure. Can I get a cookie?

Aww take an example of your sim, I'm sure you're being too harsh on yourself! *cyber hugs*


Well let's put a positive spin on this. At least you have plenty of time to play the Sims...

I used to play sims, then I made friends!

kevmo1988 0

Work out, get skinny, go to clubs... Get plowed by your future husband who appreciates your fit bod!!!

So lift your ass and do something about it - you realize you need to, but you won't do it? Guess you like being single, fat and jobless. Sad, really, but glad people post this sort of thing, because it makes me more motivated to NOT be like that.

jaycob11 0

Fatass stop being lazy and get up and do something, shit no need to ******* complain about it, people like you are the reason why others are that way. DO SOMETHING

SlickWillyTFCF 5

Quit playing Sims and complaining about your life and do something to change it.

epicnessx0 0

there are so many supportive comments. you should listen to some of them. ;)

All you got to do is instead of playing sims all day and feeling sorry for yourself go out into the world find a job(preferably a physically active job) get a work out regiment and stop being lazy. After this I bet you a million dollars you can get with someone. Confidence is key.

Even lazy, fat people can get someone sometimes. You're right, confidence is key; confidence also works for those who aren't pin thin.

then don't just sit around and complain. get off your butt and do something with your life.

OP, of being jobless, overweight and single, I can offer some advice on the the waist line issue: It's easy to sit back and say "Diet and exercise" to you, but I know you won't find that very helpful because it lacks specifics. You need a routine, a healthy eating plan, realistic goals, and some support. Since you have Internet, look up national food guide recommendations. Look up your recommended daily calorie intake and start writing down what you eat, it'll make you aware of what you take in. (I use a calorie counter app myself) Google if there's a support group for active people in your area, or community sports just to increase your activity level and to socialize/meet people. Find a jogging/power walking partner the same way. (Continues....)