By aherdofpigs - 02/09/2013 19:22 - United States

Today, I'm trapped in my apartment. My new cat won't let me leave. Every time I try, he blocks the door, hisses and tries to savage me. I'm my own cat's bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 079
You deserved it 21 070

Same thing different taste


You should watch a few episodes of My Cat From Hell on Animal Planet; taught me a few things about cat behavior :)

got a spray bottle? or a water bottle? I'd get my revenge big I were you

control_machete 1

Why does a new pet have the run of the place? First week or so should be confined to a single room, most cats I've had it's been a bathroom, but the most recent pair it was my bedroom, as we had the crate leftover from housebreaking a golden retriever on hand. Solid plastic bottom with plenty of room so even if the litter box spilled none got on my carpet. But, seriously, until you've got the cat used to things, one room, with maybe a short trip around to explore right before feeding. Think of your home as the cats new town. When you first move to a new town, you generally don't go rushing off everywhere the first day. You get moved in. You stay around your house for a while. Exploring happens once you've settled in.

guess I wasn't the only one who thought pussy jokes would be good on this

JoseIsAdork 31

might I suggest going and buying a high potency type of cat nip to make the cat a wee bit more mellow... who knows... they have some type of kitty chronic or something.... what ever you do... don't show fear, the cat will end up calling every shot haha. they are cute but pure evil...

Don't you know she just saved your life??? There was a falling flowerpot waiting for you!! And your cat smelled the hooded men who held a scythe.

wafflefriez91 17

Exactly why i dont own a cat and i am allergic and i just think cats are evil. Dogs are better.

Kelseyismynamee 2

Don't worry, Liam Neeson will come and save you. :)