By fuck my goddamn life - 15/02/2014 20:51 - United States

Today, I'm stuck in a hotel with my psychotic mom, all because she swore there were "demonic" noises coming from our oven. Yeah, our oven is totally possessed, you idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 554
You deserved it 4 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pretend to fall asleep and then act like you got possessed

Give her a list of your favorite baked foods that are known to repel demons.


cryssycakesx3 22

like you said, too much is missing, especially to make that big of a leap.

Hey don't think for a moment those ovens are innocent. Those things are evil

It was the Janitor. And he would have got away with it if it wasn't for you kids!

Hey, demonic appliances are real, man. My fridge had to be exorcised.

if tuis happens a lot you should take her to a psychiatrist

badluckalex 23

I am terrified of any paranormal activity **** that

Everyone seems to think that "mom" has problems. My answer is going to get a thumbs down, but imagine that the movie known as "The Exorcist" has a basis in fact, which is why the Catholic Church has a whole division of priests that are trained in exorcism. Many Protestant denominations also have pastors that perform exorcisms.

Epikouros 31

If OP's a minor, "taking your mom to see a psychiatrist" may not work. But Child Protection Services or whatever it's called will have the power to force her to seek treatment. Just my 2 cents, not claiming OP won't have thought of treatment options. FML is a place to vent, even about people you care about.