By fuck my goddamn life - 15/02/2014 20:51 - United States

Today, I'm stuck in a hotel with my psychotic mom, all because she swore there were "demonic" noises coming from our oven. Yeah, our oven is totally possessed, you idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 554
You deserved it 4 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pretend to fall asleep and then act like you got possessed

Give her a list of your favorite baked foods that are known to repel demons.


Tell her if you turn on the oven you will burn the demons

Join our cult and hail Satan! We have cookies.

Damn, you sound like you treat your mom like sh*t by the way you refer to her.

purrypie 9

Try praying to the ovenions, the God of ovens, I'm sure he can help you out.

Is your mom on meds that she hasn't been taking? If not, maybe it's time to get her evaluated.

spookycat32 6

If you don't believe the oven is possessed, why are you in the hotel?

Ur mom is gunna find the is the demon in the oven will show her then ull pay

Start making demonic noises yourself and drawing pentagrams on the walls. Religious lunatics must be fought every step of the way, no matter who they are.

Did you know that if you make fun of a person with a mental illness, their mental illness will magically disappear?