By no money anymore - 18/01/2012 03:31 - United States

Today, I hosted a "Night Out Against Crime" party at our local park. Only three people came, they robbed our fundraiser booth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 523
You deserved it 5 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

runepop 0

Well...did they just rob u to prove that crime is bad? Literal Example. Lol


It's all apart of the government funding program for criminals. That's how they can afford the nice cars and drugs and all.

oh wow, sorry. that really design suck, hope you didn't spend too much time on this event.

That does suck- but did you start this project alone? You should have started it with friends; it helps the impact the organization has and also provides more protection against thieves.

hahaha next time dont hold it at nite =P

msjoyfull84 0

On the bright side. They didn't get much if no one showed up.

Well next time hire some security people and you need to advertise better . Hope you learned your lesson with all this and better luck next time ( if you get courage to do it again)!!!!!

Cshaw6215 5
toalysium 15

YDI since obviously you knew crime was a problem in your area but didn't carry a means to defend yourself, such as a pistol, taser, or at least pepper spray.