By Anonymous - 16/03/2013 18:55 - United States - Escondido

Today, I have the flu. I had to wash the dishes, cook dinner, take out the trash, and take care of the laundry, all while my wife sat around watching TV, because she was "too tired". I work 8 hours a day. She's a college student. She doesn't see what's so unfair about this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 383
You deserved it 8 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Redtick 9

Sounds like a spoiled bitch to me.

I don't know about you but when i had the flu i had headaches, body aches, sore throat, and a runny nose. The last thing i wanted to do was move.


dumb her. she doesnt give a hoot about u and she is sleeping around while u r at work. DUMB her sorry ass.

College is just as hard as a job, but either way she should have helped you a bit you should not be up and moving if you have the flu.

And I work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, study astronomy at university and do the housework too. Welcome to life. Perhaps your wife is depressed ... there's a couple of signs there.

1800SMD 2

tell that woman to get off her lazy ass and in the kitchen where she needs to be making you a sandwich

Shes a woman she never will get used to it

She should make more of an effort if OP is sick, so FYL. However, if OP always expects her to do more house work because he works and she's in college (why else would he point that out?), that's seriously unfair in my opinion. At least when he comes home his work is finished (most likely, idk what he does for a living), unlike students. Just because OP works and most likely pays for everything doesn't make his wife an indentured servant. They're equals and should split housework equally.

What about paying for centuries if oppression do you MOT understand? Don't you know that white American men are responsible for every ill that plagues the earth today? Even if you ain't white you ARE a man and thus EVIL as far as the feminist agenda is concerned!