By idiotson - 11/06/2014 00:39 - United States - Rocky Point

Today, I had to go to the police station after my son got arrested for shoplifting 15 packs of gum. He got away with it at first, but got busted when he tried to return it all because he "didn't like the flavor". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 295
You deserved it 8 967

Same thing different taste


kotake 7

Yeah the son's stupid but at least he doesn't frivolously waste. Don't teach him that cheating/stealing is okay as long as you don't get caught, teach him it's wrong to begin with.

My Idiot-English Translation Engine has been sitting idly for too long, so I feel the need to use it here. *whirr* *bzzz* *click* *DING!* "He could have just stolen more. I probably shouldn't inhale nail polish remover just before commenting." Much better.

I wanna lift some cinnamon gum I could be happy the rest of my life with some cinnamon gum

So did he try and return it for money, or did he just stick them back on the shelf?

Your son deserves Nobel Prize in stupidity!

My sister's friend once got caught shoplifting underarm deodorant. As punishment, all she got for gifts (birthday, Christmas, etc) was deodorant.

on the bright side, your son has no future in criminal activities....on the dark side, your son doesn't seem to have any future in any career where you need to use your brains either.

.... leave him in jail. that's what id do