By idiotson - 11/06/2014 00:39 - United States - Rocky Point

Today, I had to go to the police station after my son got arrested for shoplifting 15 packs of gum. He got away with it at first, but got busted when he tried to return it all because he "didn't like the flavor". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 295
You deserved it 8 967

Same thing different taste


I love karma. He got busted for stealing. Didn't he learn to never steal from another person / company. I do hope the punishment is not that big, cause for real he now knows what's good and what's not.

I think the idea was to try to return it without a receipt and 'get his money back'. The store might have had him on surveillance stealing it. I doubt that he would confess to stealing it as he returned it for a refund.

I once stole a single pack of mint flavoured gum, that I didn't even like, because a friend goaded me on. I was just ten so the security (I never even made it out of the store) just called my mom. The disappointment on her face and the look she gave me, I never felt guiltier in my life. And that was the end shoplifting career right there. Your son... He's going to need much more than a disappointed look.

Ballsy. Also, probably just doing it for the attention and wanted to get caught.