By idiotson - 11/06/2014 00:39 - United States - Rocky Point

Today, I had to go to the police station after my son got arrested for shoplifting 15 packs of gum. He got away with it at first, but got busted when he tried to return it all because he "didn't like the flavor". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 295
You deserved it 8 967

Same thing different taste


Well you know what they say kids follow their parents example more then their advice..So good job on your part.

dude some do what they want whether or not their parents set a good example or a bad example

Lil_Red777 21

Bullshit. Most kids do what the Hell they want when they reach a certain age. Has nothing to do with parenting half the time.

What an idiot! if you're gonna steal something, steal something you know you're gonna like.

YDI for not teaching your son how to steal properly.

Well lets hope he learned his lesson, we would not want him to steal a car from the lot and attempt to return it for a different color.

If he tried to steal it he should know what he likes...but returning it I feel like saying it came to him but he should learn how to shoplift properly

therealjc_fml 14

Just blame that on the other half that created him:)

Thinking...not his strong suit huh? I hope he will at least from his mistake.

Sathane 21

So, is it "FML my son is a criminal" or "FML my son is a stupid criminal"?

91hayek 31

I think it's just that his son is stupid. Being a criminal was just incidental.