By Carrie G. - 27/07/2012 00:46 - United States - Holland

Today, I had to explain to my boyfriend why period blood couldn't be saved and donated to the hospital for transplants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 681
You deserved it 2 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beccaishereyay 11

What the **** are you talking about?

You're clearly not as educated as you think you are because it's definitely not just a tablespoon per cycle. It probably varies from person to person, but can definitely be more than a tablespoon. Not to be gross, but there are times when I sit on the toilet and can literally feel it just drain out, and it's a hell of a lot more than a tablespoon. Make sure you're properly educated on the topic before you give out incorrect information.


JoLove37 8

Women have superpowers. We can bleed for upwards of a week without dying. :)

Lol i never thought about it but just kinda assumed it would work because its blood is it not

captainburke 5

That's a good idea but totally gross I guess a lot of men aren't thinking about the rotted flesh that's in period blood

hannahchik13 6

Now explain that to me because I dint know why... I'm stupid... Ima girl.... Ima freshman... I had my period before... *dumb ass alert*

OP, sorry that your BF is a complete moron. But, at least you know you're with someone caring and compassionate...

J15237 25

That is a bit funny. Your man is stupid, but hey he is your man. Take pride in that.