By beekeke45 - 25/06/2011 13:39 - United States

Today, I had to dig up my twin boys birth certificates for baseball registration. Turns out I had been calling both of them by the other twin's name for eight and a half years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 721
You deserved it 67 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how would finding their birth certificates help distinguish their names?


psshhh, so what. imagine if you had triplets or you were octomom

mrmerino 0

Oh well! A name doesn't mean much. My real name is Katherine, but no one calls me that! So technically everyone I know has been calling me by the "wrong" name my whole life...And knew they were doing it. :P

IndiRae 9

Judging by your photo, it wasn't that big of a drop.

Moobug 4

I'm really confused by all the 'but how do you know they're the wrong names' comments... one twin would have been born before the other (probably impossible that both arrive at the same time, even in caesarian), and the time of birth is on the Birth Cert. My understanding was that the mother had been calling the eldest by the youngest's name, etc...

Moobug 4

Just checked my own kids' certificates - my bad. The time of birth and weight at birth is on the letter you take with you to get the certificate. With multiples, does the certificate show the child is one of twins/triplets, etc? I'm curious now.

iamtwiggyme 0

I'm an identical twin and it doesn't say that I am on my birth certificate. Only the date and time I was born.

Plus, as others have said, how can you tell by looking at your twins which one is older by a few seconds/minutes? My guess is that her twins aren't actually identical and when they were only a day or so old, she forgot which name she gave to each child. Either that, or the hospital put the wrong names on the paperwork and she just never noticed.

still, if they're identical she would only remember the times of birth by name.

Moobug 4

I figured that perhaps the mother thought the eldest was called X and the youngest Y, and always did remember which was the eldest by their birth weight or a birth mark or something, then discovered that she'd mixed the names around at some point in the first few days... but trying to get my head around this is confusing me even more!! I guess we'll never know unless OP turns up to clarify.

DeadxManxWalking 27

people who are saying identical twins have the same fingerprints you are dumb, they may have really similar finger prints but they would be different bc you get scars and other minor details on your fingers which help tell you apart and alot of people are born with blue eyes which change when there older same thing with hair