By Anonymous - 19/07/2013 01:03 - United States - La Grande

Today, I had to break up a fist fight between two female residents. I work in a retirement home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 756
You deserved it 3 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hey, maybe they were fighting for the last applesauce and prune juice lunch tray.


I'm curious , was it bingo night? or did a new man move in?

The worst is when you have to stop the residents from hitting you.

jw90 18

Did one steal the others dentures?

My grandma and your grandma Sitting by the fire My grandma says to your grandma "I'm gonna set your flag on fire"

Rather a fist fight than a "Who is the best stripper" contest.

grandmas gone wild, maybe someone forgot to give them their meds!!! but the older ones are sometimes the firey ones

You should call in Bruce Buffer to announce it.