This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Anonymous - 09/06/2017 03:27 - United States - Franklin Square

Today, I had my first trial as a defense attorney in what I thought was an easy open-and-shut case with absolutely no chance of failure. My client was found guilty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 681
You deserved it 706

Top comments

YDI because a defense attorney always has to prepare for the worst case and you obviously didn't do. Otherwise, you would have seen that very real chance of failure in advance. In case the evidence was so overwhelming that you couldn't have prevented the guilty verdict, with better preparation you might have arranged a plea bargain. Conclusion: Don't trust open-and-shut cases because in the end your clients have to pay for your mistakes.

species4872 19

It was open and shut, they were guilty.


I fail to see how your life is f*cked because your client was found guilty. Obviously you aren't as good of an attorney as you thought. A good lawyer should prepare for every possible scenario, even the worst-case one. I hope your client isn't actually guilty and being punished for something he didn't do. But if he was guilty, YDI for wanting to get him off for a crime.

Defense attorneys are supposed to fight to get a person out of punishment for their crime... It's not necessarily that they want to, it's just their job.

If there's anything Phoenix Wright has taught me, it's that no case is open and shut.

sounds like an fml for your client. he shoulda called saul!