By FirstKiss - 13/07/2009 15:00 - Canada

Today, I had my first kiss at a party. Later, I was told that the guy had been dared to kiss the ugliest girl in the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 727
You deserved it 6 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks How does she deserve it? Assholes


Well to me it sounds like you didn't even really know the guy. Are you that desperate that your first kiss has to be somebody you don't even know? If that is the case then YDI

if you cared that much about your first kiss then you shouldnt have allowed it to happen at a party in front of everybody. you should have talked to him a bit, maade sure you were comfortable around him, and seen if there was anything strange about how he was acting. then you would have been able to preserve your "lip virginity" (that is, if you really do care this much about it). seriously though, its not like you screwed him. so its not that big of a deal.

skullbuster 0

Thank you Dr. Whateverbro, that counseling certificate is paying off in spades!

Punch his face, now say "Yea, I was dared to kiss the ugliest guy at this party." Then make fun of his black eyes and bruises. (If you can't punch that hard, buy some brass knuckles).

Next time stop being such a desperate ***** and wait until you're sure you're ready, and that he's the one you really want to kiss. YDI.

heartless_fml 6

that's a little harsh. how would you like it if someone called YOU a desperate ***** just for wanting as simple a thing as a first kiss?

a kiss is not skanky. you must be a major prude if you think that.

This happened to me twenty years ago and I will never really be "over" it. I'm a generally happy successful woman now who's realized transformation from ugly duckling to swan is an internal process first, but those formative experiences stick with you.

tayafrombk 0

that stinks that really sucks dont worry about it though

Maybe it's time to get in shape and like yourself more. No kind of unattractiveness is completely unsaveable. Take it from me, I was an ugly duckling all through my teenage years and later became a model.

theRovingMage 0

Aww, sweetie! That's mean. I hope that you're a teen - stuff like that burns a lot at the time, but it will mellow with age. I've heard boys are less like jerks as they age, sort of like wine. And remember, it sounds cliche, but personality=beauty. Be yourself, and you'll find someone who thinks you are beautiful.