By FirstKiss - 13/07/2009 15:00 - Canada

Today, I had my first kiss at a party. Later, I was told that the guy had been dared to kiss the ugliest girl in the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 727
You deserved it 6 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks How does she deserve it? Assholes


I live in Alberta too. Guys here are jerks. I'm going to assume by the childnish nature of the dare that you're all still young so don't worry about it.

The cheapest and most effective way to become pretty is to supply guys with lots of alcohol! You'll get action while the beer googles are in place. Have as much sex as you can while they are impaired and be prepared to hear some filthy insults when they sober up.

speak_a_da_truth 0

He also forgot to say that you should be prepared for the "Walk of Shame"! Meaning when your makeup wears off onto his pillow and he rolls over to find you in the morning he will be trying to sneak you out before anyone can see you leaving. If you do get caught while leaving things will be yelled at you like "Shame what would your parents think?" "Go to church" etc. Then you will proceed to run with your hair everywhere, high heels, and the outfit that reeks of cigarettes and booze from the night before. But the joke will be on him b/c you left something behind...Gonorrhea!!!

She could also help guys win IFAP awards! On a given weekend, the guy who sleeps with the ugliest girl wins the coveted "I ****** A Pig" award. Man, I knew a guy, a good-looking guy, that would get so drunk, he'd win this award often. It wasn't me, I swear, but I would not be surprised if some of the women I slept with took home the female equivalent award! So, seeing that you are fugly, I'm trying to give you some angles on getting sex seeing that the normal path of attraction seems to be out.

speak_a_da_truth 0

Big ones need loving too! It's happened to me before wake up and she is way bigger than the night before. To your post below, yeah getting good at oral sex will be a must for OP in life. Start practicing and learn Crouching Tiger Hidden Penis! Or find someone comparable and not out of your league and you will be much happier. I'm not being mean just saying. I don't go out and find the hottest girls b/c lets face it I'm not banging a supermodel anytime. If you don't set expectations too high, not saying they shouldn't be up there but, not too high and you will find satisfaction faster. Otherwise dicks like me and plexico will continue to say rude obnoxious things like this to get a reaction from your FML post

was the person a girl who told you that? maybe she was just being a bitch cause she liked the guy

how old are you? if youre 12 there is no problem, 19 there is

natabeast 6

I think you should smile sweetly at him and knee him in the groin.

softballplaya822 0

I'm sure you're not ugly. Those people who dared him to do that were total jerks.

ohheykiwi 2

A first kiss is a pretty big deal for girls, so why would you waste it on some guy at a party?