By FirstKiss - 13/07/2009 15:00 - Canada

Today, I had my first kiss at a party. Later, I was told that the guy had been dared to kiss the ugliest girl in the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 727
You deserved it 6 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks How does she deserve it? Assholes


abandonship 3

awww, **** him, im sure you're beautiful

Jpinkkiss 0

just because your the ugliest girl at a party doesnt really mean your ugly im sure your still pretty just not the prettiest girl there cuz if you were really ugly the guy wouldnt kiss you lol :)

dramakat11 0

Do what you can with what you've got and don't let anyone get you down. There's a place and a person for you: just think positive. Or start saving up for plastic surgery if you so desire...

I'm sure you're one of those girls who gets more beautiful as they get older. I mean, look at Constance Marie for example. She's, what, in her late 40s and is still so pretty.

audioandmurder 0

My first kiss sucked too. Only the lucky motherfuckers get the good firsts. :/

hippywitch510 0

That's so upsetting! I'm sry but that just means hes an immature asshole!

Vib392 0

Welp_Now Yoohll Remembr Yoor FirSt Kiss As... Nevermind Maybe Yooh Should Try to 4get it=/