By Kaeyne - 24/03/2009 15:41 - United States

Today, I had an elaborate plan to ask this girl to Prom, and it was going to take a few minutes to set up. I asked my friend to distract her. He decided to distract her by asking her to Prom. She said "Yes". FML
I agree, your life sucks 281 184
You deserved it 47 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments


that really sucks but you shoulda just asked her and #48 you suck i just lost the game

aww...dude...did you tell him what you were planning? ps. just hook up with the chick at prom/after-prom

Jefe_fml 0

You probably should've just asked her yourself, usually girls appreciate a face to face question instead of a big deal. But your friend is a ******* asshole, if he knew you were going to ask her to prom that is. Though I can't see how you couldn't have told him. But yeah...I'd dump that friend.

Bros before hos, dude. Even in this case.

yeahreally 6

thats ridiculous... some friend.. what a douche

Hahahaha #62 im with you. That shit is awesome. I gotta say this sucks, but to be honest, #29 lifes sucks more... Who writes that much?