By Jimii Liu - 11/03/2012 01:41 - United States

Today, I had a date with a woman. She brought her dog along. Everytime I touched her, her jealous male dog began to bark and tried to bite me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 626
You deserved it 3 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MsMeiriona 2
miz_kamakazi 11

Bring treats next time to distract him.


What you think she brought the dog for? To keep other dog bzy....... Hahahaha

Yeah.. I wouldn't try sex anytime soon, OP. He'll take a bite out of your man bits.

artmastr 0

I think that's the whole reason she brought the dog along?

This sounds like ut would be on diaster date

XxDancerGirlxX 17

My dachshund is the same way. He thinks he's a ferocious little bastard with his squeaky bark (; FYL OP, she should have asked before bringing her dog. Exactly why would someone bring their dog in a date anyway?!

rawwwrrrsheet 0

Not jealous just protecting her

who takes a dog on a date... unless you go to the dog park for your date...