By Anonymous - 15/10/2015 20:44 - United Kingdom - Hampton Hill

Today, I got turned down by my dream job because their rival company happens to be called my exact name. I'm now known as "The Spy". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 075
You deserved it 1 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

That's a pretty cool new name you have though... Side note: dick move by the company to not hire you for that reason. Stupid.

christinamarie17 29


We named my son Benjamin Moore. Then we moved to MS, where there are paint supply stores with the same name. Let's hope he never tried to work for Sherwin Williams.

Go and get a job at the rival company! I believe in you!

bobo_the_bear 5

Did you want a job at Dunkin Donuts and you name is Tim Horton?

Did they call you in for an interview just to accuse you of being a spy and tell you they wouldn't hire you?

Don't they think that if you actually were a spy, you'd come up with a better name?

Hmm as a fellow UK-er, I'm going to guess either Dorothy Perkins, Laura Ashley, John Lewis, Gerry Weber, Mark Spencer (okay not exactly the shop name), or, and this is a complete shot in the dark: Clas Ohlson. Was any of them correct?