By Nekro_Kat - 10/08/2011 03:00 - United States

Today, I got caught trying to steal my own cat back from my neighbor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 792
You deserved it 3 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki_ASW 0

If it's your cat how is it stealing?


If your neighbor truly stole your cat, surely there was a reason. Do you leave him/her outside when it's hot/cold/raining/etc.? Are the cat's ears, nose, eyes and fur clean? Is he/she fixed and UTD on vaccinations? I took a neighbor's cat to have him neutered. They let him breed with his sister and 2 of the kittens died.. they barely noticed that he wasn't around while he healed with me. Fortunately the city has a TNR [trap neuter release] program that vaccinated him and gave 'em the snip for free. The ignorant owners were none the wiser when he suddenly came home. I hope it curbed his scrapping, too. He's a gorgeous, affectionate animal that anyone with half a brain would treasure.

kenjames 4

He didn't want you stealing his pussy. It's a man thing.

tom_es 3

I can give you my 2 me and I will have them delivered

**** that ill kill a bitch over my pussy lmao

FmL my cat ran away. By far the most amazing pet I ever owned.

poppaof6 0

So you're a cat burglar? Somehow I think you're doing it wrong.

MissEmiily 0

lmao my best friends neighbors stole their cat and her mom marched right over there and stole it back hahahhaha