By Regina - 03/07/2009 06:19 - United States

Today, I got a job selling knives. I had training for 11 hours. At the end of the training session, the instructor promptly informed everyone that they had to pay $145 for a set of demo knives. I paid the $145. I went home and learned that it was a scam. I went back for a refund. They said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 417
You deserved it 55 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha lol that sucks...let me guess it was that student for part time work where you can get like $15/appointment lol Yeah I've seen that before too and I almost went untill I googled it haha


rachellaurenn 0

i almost did it like, two months ago. im glad i didnt, couldnt afford the $145 anyway. i shouldnt have to pay to get a job. that being said, i have a friend who does it and i guess he's doing all right. but i mean, hes got a lot of time on his hands and knows a lot of people.

CyclonePsycho 1

Eh, Vector isn't really a scam, it's simply a job not everyone can succeed at and they take advantage of that. Sure, there are tons of people who try to half-ass their work, but not everyone has the right personality, social connections, and/or extra funds. Their main fault is the fact that they target students who are desperate and generally don't know any better and then pressure them into buying knives they can't afford. But that still doesn't really make it a scam. Hm, actually, the scammy part is the selling to everyone you know. Nice knives are nice, but unless the person does a lot of cooking, they aren't exactly necessary. Sorry OP about your money. At least you have some fancy knives to kill them with in case they ever show up again ;D?

SpicyDorito 0

you guys are a little retarded, it's not a scam at all, it's just the HARDEST JOB EVER. the knives are really expensive, and they sell the demo bundle to you at a severely reduced price (9 knives for $145? the chef's knife alone is $110 at full price) so if you hate the job you can just sell the knives for a huge profit. my boyfriend did it for a few weeks and the main problem he had was he had tons of references to set up appointments with, but hardly anyone ever answered the fricken phone. it's NOT door to door! you call people to set up appointments, very personal. and it's a cool demo, he can cut a penny into a pretty clover. THE THING IS it's not a scam and if my boyfriend wanted to he could get a refund (he likes the knives alot though). so yeah that's why that was FML cause they're definitely supposed to give a refund.

I hate to tell this but your boyfriend is an idiot. Only a FOOL would fall for this scam.

SpicyDorito 0

shut up crasher41 no one likes you

Jeez, could you be any harsher? Crasher is speaking their mind, just like you are

Don't be mad at me because your bf is a loser. Please do us a favor and don't ever have children.

Haha I have an MBA bud, I make more money than you ever will I just dont brag about it. I'm on vacation and bored because its raining here and my hot girlfriend is working. FYI I've never played warcraft (I can't quite figure out why you brought this up) , but I did play some starcraft if you ever want to have a match I'm sure I can find my CD and we can settle this like nerds(when in rome....). I could also drink you under the table. In fact I will drink you under the table AND beat you at starcraft at the same time (that right, i went there haha). You only have money because your 30 and still live in your mothers basement. I;m 23 and I've already done more with my life then you ever will. Nice try though. VECTOR is a frequently cited marketing scam. You are a liar. Stop trying to SCAM the people with your pyramid scheme.

I certainly don't validate myself based on Starcraft haha. I'm merely responding the previous accusations. VECTOR = SCAM

SpicyDorito 0

how is "no one likes you" harsher than "please never have children?"

are you serious? im a receptionist at vector, i recruit you people so you can make a shit ton of money if you like the position its just that some people don't like it. and youll get a refund, its part of the companys policy. check into it man.

all these people who are saying the knives are 'high quality' are idiots as well. YDI. who actually needs to cut a penny into a clover? or saw through rope? if your cucumber has the consistency of rope you are are better off not eating it. and do people really think of themselves as such gourmet cooks that they'd believe anyone would need these knives? i have an OXO knife that cost $10 that serves really well to cut everything i need to make various things from scratch. this knife stuff is nonsense.

ColdSig 0

Dude, Cutco's freaking sweet. I had court fees to pay and made $900 in three weeks. And I have a really nice set of free knives for the rest of my life, AND my boss would take us out bowling and shit all the time. He also cheats on his wife with his employees and tried it on my girlfriend and is generally the 4 foot spawn of Satan, but, Cutco's not a scam.

AirforceBlu 0

next time do some research before you invest time and money into any job.

Ok, just to everyone that is bad mouthing VECTOR. It is a company that goes off of commissions/ appointments. You get your work through references. So you ask your mom who does she think would want to buy some knives, you call up that person, make the appointment and you get $15 just for going to the appointment regardless if you sell anything. If you do sell something on the other hand you get a 10% commission of whatever you sell whichever is higher. You really did not get scammed you are just listening to people who really don't want to work/pay for a job.