By Anonymous - 28/12/2014 18:41 - United States - Flower Mound

Today, I got a gift-wrapped package in the mail from my racist mother-in-law. She's always hated me, so I thought it was a bit strange. Inside was a squirt gun and a note telling me to take my "black ass" for a walk around a police station with it, followed with a smiley face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 716
You deserved it 3 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

The ugliness of some people never ceases to amaze me.

The fact that it's holiday season, and somebody who is supposed to be your family, can come up with disrespectful "gifts" like this is just a mystery to me.


Do as she said and go to the police station, but go with the note and her address and report her.

Jesus ******* Christ. Is there a way for you to completely cut off contact with this psycho bitch? She may be your wife's mother but she literally wishes death on you. She definitely couldn't be trusted with any kids yall might have. Block her number, block her on all technology, throw her mail straight in the fire? Gotta be something...

Put some pepper spray in it and blast her with it in a playful way.

What a piece of shit. From now on just mark anything from her 'return to sender.'

What a horrible woman she is. I bet you can get her fined for something...stupidity maybe :) sorry you had to put up with this nonsense

File for harassment, just to have it on record. If this is an ongoing thing, potentially file for a restraining order? While not a direct threat, it is obvious she wishes bodily harm on you.

Why did he deserve it? About 1000+ said he deserved it!

ajs1987 15

Buy her a big black ***** and send a note with it that says "take this big black dick and go **** yourself :)"

On the bright side, at least she didn't get the pleasure of seeing you open it.