By Gabriel A - 15/01/2011 04:05 - United States

Today, I found some nude vintage pictures in my house. I decided to beat my meat to them. Later I found out it was my grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 276
You deserved it 84 358

Same thing different taste


fthku 13

You found the pictures at your house. YOUR house. Obviously those pictures didn't just magically appear there, and they're not yours = they belong to someone in your family. Even without knowing it was your grandma, all it really takes is common sense. As in, don't ********** on the property of someone in your immediate family, no good can come of it. Also yeah.. Beat my meat, really?

CtheFML 0

ooh wow some of you are quite rude, it was a mistake. butnext time you fijnd old photos ask before you do anything lol

mandy1395 0

well, it was a vintage picture, so he used a vintage expression?

Nastysack69 0
courtenycadaver 0

it's called the Internet. stop beating off to old ass hairy bush granny ****

@20 he didn't know it was his grandma you ******* retard.