By Anonymous - 20/03/2014 20:23 - United States - Du Quoin

Today, I found out why my dad always treated me badly as a kid compared to my siblings. It's because I was conceived while my mom was cheating on him. On top of that, he made it clear that he still doesn't consider me a "real" part of the family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 936
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's terrible. But don't worry, you are not the first person to have that happen to them.

That sucks cuz it's not even your fault.


Woah, calm down. No matter how crappy what OP's mom did, this FML is not about her. OP's dad chose to stay in the relationship, and anyone who chooses to stay in a situation like this, should be doing it knowing full well that kids are not to blame. This is not a black and white situation, you don't have to pick who is the asshole here: both OP's mom and dad are huge assholes.

He should have some love for you but his actions toward you are horrible I sure hope things can be mended between you two OP

I know how you feel. My parents split and started new families, so im kind of the "red headed step child."

If it was that bad he should've left your mom as soon as he found out she cheated. Instead of being a dick to you your entire life. FYL, you don't deserve that.

Reality_bites 14

#24 - Yes the mother cheated FIRST which caused the whole situation. Yes that makes her the douche. But I think that the father is also a douche as he has no right to take it out on the OP (whether he is blood related or not) for the actions of the mother. The father should be directing his anger etc to the mother, not the OP as the OP didnt ask to be born. What the hell did the OP ever do to the dad?

Reality_bites 14

#24 - Yes the mother cheated FIRST which caused the whole situation. Yes that makes her the douche. But I think that the father is also a douche as he has no right to take it out on the OP (whether he is blood related or not) for the actions of the mother. The father should be directing his anger etc to the mother, not the OP as the OP didn't ask to be born. What the hell did the OP ever do to the dad?

I don't care what anyone says, but blood runs thicker than water, but then again, so does syrup, so set some pancakes and all is well in the world!!!

acerredrum 23

That saying doesn't mean what everyone thinks it means. "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" Is the original quote meaning, basically the exact opposite.

Reality_bites 14

#24 - Yes the mother cheated FIRST which caused the whole situation. Yes that makes her the douche. But I think that the father is also a douche as he has no right to take it out on the OP (whether he is blood related or not) for the actions of the mother. The father should be directing his anger etc to the mother, not the OP as the OP didnt ask to be born. What the hell did the OP ever do to the dad?

Then again, if it's me raising you, I wouldn't treat you differently, I'm harsh on my kids, I want them to know discipline, but I want them to question it if they think it's wrong, but that's up to them.

kotake 7

Honestly that's the most pathetic reasoning I've ever heard any father say. What does this guy think of orphaned kids and kids who have found homes through adoption? "Sorry Tina, now that your mom and dad are gone you will never have real parents" or "Sorry Billy, but even if you get adopted it's not the same as if you had a biological mom/dad". Or even step parents, godfathers, etc. It's gonna be stressful to hear that from him, but realize how ******* retarded that logic is. It's still healthy to bother you because it is coming from someone you looked at as a father figure (basically don't think "why am i upset about this retarded logic) but it sometimes helps you get over it quicker if you realizes how stupid and illogical it sounds. Honestly, why even consider him a real part of your family? If you have siblings you get along with I would just inform them of what he said, and say that you still want to be a part of their lives but that to be careful sitting you and your father close. Hopefully, if your siblings are at least sane, they will listen and offer support.