By Anonymous - 20/03/2014 20:23 - United States - Du Quoin

Today, I found out why my dad always treated me badly as a kid compared to my siblings. It's because I was conceived while my mom was cheating on him. On top of that, he made it clear that he still doesn't consider me a "real" part of the family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 936
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's terrible. But don't worry, you are not the first person to have that happen to them.

That sucks cuz it's not even your fault.


robertmil90 10

that's awful my son was conceived under the same circumstances and I still consider him my son

Aww! That's really unfair. How is it in any-way, your fault that your mother is a cheater!

That's freaking ignorant.. What your mom did has no reflection on you being the same way as her. If anything he needs to treat your mom worse than he does you.. Regardless, sorry your "dad" is a douche and he refuses to treat you as his child. He really should grow the eff up and get over it. It's not your fault..

Look OP, being your biological father or not, he chose to take on an innocent kid his wife's mistakes. What does that say about him? I know it's hard because he is probably the only father figure you had and as children we are naturally programed to love and seek approval from our parents but it seems like it's a lost cause. You're clearly better off without him in your life. He is an absolute ******** and a poor excuse of human being for being so petty and spiteful.

skyeyez9 24

If I was a man, and this was my situation, if my wife cheated on me and got pregnant I would have divorced her and filed for full custody of my biological kids. I wouldn't stay and I also wouldn't be cruel to the other kid either. It isn't their fault.

skyeyez9 24

I am trying to comprehend why he is rationalizing why he treats you like dirt. My only explanations are these (and I am not saying they are justified, its still very cruel) 1. OP looks like his cheating dad vs mom. 2. Every time OP's dad looks at OP, the boys resemblance to his biological dad reminds him of his wife's affair. If OP's dad can't forgive, he should have moved on and divorced her. Not punish a child for his wife's decision. I am very sorry OP. I wish you the best and things turn out for the better soon.

Because neither of you can maybe get a paternity test to get this dilemma resolved?

anniet292929 3

For those who are going, "Why would anyone click the ydi button?" I'm on the website using my phone and there are times where you misclick it.

I guess you got cheated out of that one.

Talk to your dad. Say it really bothers/ hurts that he thinks this way, and that you consider yourself as much part of the family as everyone else; that he is your dad and should act like it. If he's still an idiot, wait for the next time a family member other than your dad ( or a friend of your dads) does something stupid , and stay very clearly mad at your dad for what someone else did until he gets it and apologizes. ( to compensate for his crappy thinking skills maybe also just give him a kind daily reminder of ' I'm still mad at you for what x did'.) hth