By Anonymous - 20/03/2014 20:23 - United States - Du Quoin

Today, I found out why my dad always treated me badly as a kid compared to my siblings. It's because I was conceived while my mom was cheating on him. On top of that, he made it clear that he still doesn't consider me a "real" part of the family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 936
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's terrible. But don't worry, you are not the first person to have that happen to them.

That sucks cuz it's not even your fault.


Who the hell replies "you deserved it" to a post like this?

Bigfabthetruth52 22

Oh.. I'm sorry, that must really hurt :(

He's a terrible man, and a terrible father. You don't need him in your life.

You can buy a paternity test kit at most drug stores now. knowing for sure will give you some closure on the matter. I'm sorry for your troubles :(

Well, in a way he's right He sure isn't a "real" father if he can't care for his children

that sucks OP. Confront him. Tell him how big of a douche dick he is.

Aardvarkuus 4

Now you know how it feels to be Jon Snow.

FerniieBabiie 14

Well... That's not your fault for a start! Your mothers actions should not be reflected on to you by your dad. Is there a chance you could be his? Men that victimise children or others due to their partners actions or their families don't deserve a family or love.