By Capteen - 22/04/2012 12:17 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I found out the bed I sleep in is the bed I was conceived in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 413
You deserved it 3 721

Capteen_fml tells us more.

OP here! I definitely have a new mattress, and the frames been well cleaned as it was in storage for a while. To the people saying get over it - I'm not upset or creeped out too much, I just thought it was FML worthy. And no, I have no intention of 'repeating the cycle' to my children as such - I need to finish my studies before even considering children!

Top comments

Nothing like home. It's not like you're going to find any afterbirth under your sheets!

bballsoccerrocks 7


KatrinaKitten 16

Well at least you know now.

Now you must pass on this very tradition to your first born child.

kriz_allizwell 6

"How is this an FML? what are the mods doing? Napping? or let me guess, fapping?" - im not gonna say anything, like this...What imma say is, Op my dear, mat or sleeping bag, floor, calm music - youre sorted!

You people who thumb down are serious bitches. You thumb down stupid shit that dosent need to be. Grow up and get a life bitches. Go party, do something.

Seriously? If that was the case, wouldn't there not BE the thumbs down option?! Get over it, not everyone can always create the amazing, thumbed up comments all the time. That's what makes this site what it is.

A few years ago I found out that the bed I slept in at my grandmas house is the bed where my great grandma and great grandpa died. I haven't stayed overnight since then

Well... At least it's better then the tape. I believe the sheets would have been cleaned

bizarre_ftw 21

Brings a new meaning to the phrase "your bed" huh?