By Capteen - 22/04/2012 12:17 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I found out the bed I sleep in is the bed I was conceived in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 413
You deserved it 3 721

Capteen_fml tells us more.

OP here! I definitely have a new mattress, and the frames been well cleaned as it was in storage for a while. To the people saying get over it - I'm not upset or creeped out too much, I just thought it was FML worthy. And no, I have no intention of 'repeating the cycle' to my children as such - I need to finish my studies before even considering children!

Top comments

Nothing like home. It's not like you're going to find any afterbirth under your sheets!

bballsoccerrocks 7


LOL best day of my life ryt there! That stain on the matress wouldhave been ur brother or sister lol

fiona_purple 3

Aww, it's like a family tradition!

hereinnc 12

hmmm well OP if it makes you feel better... My parents conceived me on a queen mattress later upgraded to a King gave me the Queen. When I got married, young, I took the Queen with me and conceived 2 children on that SAME mattress. Later on we upgraded to a King and that SAME mattress is the guest bed now. It's a seriously comfortable and sturdy mattress. Judging from the comments in this thread I am going to get a whole lot of ewwws on this comment haha.

That's the beginning of your history! You should be proud to d sleep there (: