By Capteen - 22/04/2012 12:17 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I found out the bed I sleep in is the bed I was conceived in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 413
You deserved it 3 721

Capteen_fml tells us more.

OP here! I definitely have a new mattress, and the frames been well cleaned as it was in storage for a while. To the people saying get over it - I'm not upset or creeped out too much, I just thought it was FML worthy. And no, I have no intention of 'repeating the cycle' to my children as such - I need to finish my studies before even considering children!

Top comments

Nothing like home. It's not like you're going to find any afterbirth under your sheets!

bballsoccerrocks 7


Meh- when I was 18, my dad decided to tell me the bed I slept in was the one my sister was conceived in... I never figured out if he was joking or not. Then in the middle of dinner on my 21st birthday at a really nice hotel, my mother blurted out "You know, you were conceived in this hotel. Best night of my life! It was in their master suite complete with a four poster bed!" after she'd had a couple of drinks. umm.. thanks mom. Definitely cringeworthy, but certainly not FML.

Sturdy bed. And about the people talking about mattresses.. I would like to hope everyone at least buys a new one after about 10 years. Gross.

Trisha_aus 15

Get over it op, parents have sex least you didn't see them doing it..

OP here! I definitely have a new mattress, and the frames been well cleaned as it was in storage for a while. To the people saying get over it - I'm not upset or creeped out too much, I just thought it was FML worthy. And no, I have no intention of 'repeating the cycle' to my children as such - I need to finish my studies before even considering children!

OP... now you know you weren't adopted! yay!

perdix 29

I feel cheated! This isn't an FML unless the mattress is heavily stained with the nectar of passion past! A guy was telling me his truck went 300,000 miles, but then said he replaced the engine. I told him at that point, it was a different truck. If you're not sleeping with your parents' precious bodily fluids, it's not an FML, it's a BFD.

Ha- fair enough- at least you know it's sturdy

um so? you use your own sheets that are clean right? get over it

laurenobrien 4
perdix 29

I hope someone's cleaned the sheets since your parents made you. Just keep in mind that you're sleeping on billions of your unborn brothers and sister who are soaked into the mattress foam.

MaydayParadexx 18

Am I the only one who doesn't see this as a big deal? Okay, yeah, it's gross to think that your parents had sex in your bed. But it's not like the sheets and mattress cover hasn't been washed since you were conceived. Get over it, OP.

So what...your parents are still having sex...just probably not in your bed anymore...probably.

Yea we are! Why? Old times sake, cuz we can . . .