By shouldveknown - 27/01/2011 20:15 - Canada

Today, I found out that the money my boyfriend has "secretly" been putting away for the last two months is not for an engagement ring like I'd thought, but for a trip to Vegas I'm not invited to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 334
You deserved it 7 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, my boyfriend has a life outside of me. FML."

why did you assume your boyfriend had been saving up for a ring in the first place?


Honestly, if I'd gotten my hopes up thinking my boyfriend was going to propose, only to find out he'd been hiding a plan to go to Vegas so he could gamble, get drunk, and look at other ladies' ****...yeah, I'd probably flip shit. Point is, you let yourself get carried away with an idea you hadn't verified yet and when it turned out to not be the case, you got hurt. Also, I feel like maybe it wouldn't have been as bad if he hadn't been hiding it from you. You guys should probably work on trust and communication a little, as cheesy as that sounds.

^ Yeh, this. It doesn't help to get carried away with a romantic idea in a relationship.. you'll only end up getting hurt and having people on FML insulting you. >.

"How DARE my boyfriend spend HIS money on HIMSELF instead of ME!!!!!" And why did he keep it a secret? Because she's too controlling. If she wasn't, he wouldn't have to keep it a secret at all.

Maybe it wasn't his money. Maybe it was a joint account or something which would explain why she is mad.

Deal with it, Mistress Self-Entitlement.

Huh. Nobody else assumed they had a shared bank account?

If they had a shared bank account it wouldn't be much of a secret.

Lol@ chicks thinking anytime dude puts away it's about them. Ladies who get disappointed by stuff like this deserve to be.

You nosed into his business - your fault. You made assumptions about it - also your fault. YDI

zarrah_fml 0

I feel you I would be pissed too. My man better not go to Vegas without me. He has been hinting that he's saving up money for a ring too but all Ive seen him buy lately is a new computer, and a computer chair to sit his butt in.

Good Vegas hookers don't come cheap, he should learn how to keep a secret, you should learn not to assume.

well it's a guy thing to leave for Vegas with there buddies and make alot of money in one casino and loss it at another one it's a tradition