By Anonymous - 13/03/2012 12:51 - Netherlands

Today, I found out that my resume contained the word "masturbation" in the skills section, courtesy of a practical joke by my best friend. I have been using this CV unsuccessfully for over two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 977
You deserved it 8 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments


FYL for having a friend like that, YDI for not proof reading before distributing it to potential employers!

Your should reconsider who your best friend is. Practical jokes are all well and good, but he deliberately screwed you out of several jobs you might have otherwise been able to get and that's no laughing matter--it's your livelihood.

bubo_fml 10

If you're applying for government work, that skill is a job requirement.

Mango_Splash803 1

Why didn't you check before? Lol

Aw, how playful of him :) I'm thinking you should do something nice for him in return, burn his car maybe!

hateevryone 14

Kick your friend's ass. A real friend wouldn't do that.

doorick 4

apply at a ski resort. A lot of skiers there.

pfx2_fml 15

Maybe you should of applied at a sperm bank?