By foreveravirgin - 15/08/2012 19:07 - United States - New Orleans

Today, I found out that instead of going on a date with a girl I've liked for months, I'm going to be forced to have lunch with my grandmother tomorrow. Instead of losing my virginity, I will get to be interrogated about why I'm single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 724
You deserved it 7 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you assume she would have sex with you?

This FML smells like it was written by someone under age 20...


thundergirl_fml 2

Expect to get laid after one lunch, it's no surprise you still have your virginity

Enjoy time with your Grandmother. Some of us never got to enjoy that time or even meet our grandparents. You are blessed to still have yours. Go on your date afterwards. Tell your granny all about her. She was young once too!!! :)

PinkMystic1399 0

Well why do you just assume she will sleep with you?!?! and be lucky your grandmother is still with you, cherish the time you guys spend with each other because if that girl loves you enough to sleep with you, then she can understand.

weeabaka 6

You haven't known the chick long enough for her to take precedence over your family, let alone for you to be planning to **** her on the first date.

Be glad you still have time with her and cherish it.


Booty > Grandma Sorry, but it's true.

Justy101 23

It sounds to me that you don't give a shit about the girl, you just want to have sex. YDI

chris20579 1

Id say I wouldn't be single right now if I had to be here, then I'd leave

sex and first date happens but not very'll have a better shot buying a condom and not using it for real before that happens or maybe finding a tampon/pad in the men's restroom ...either way it's a low chance...