By foreveravirgin - 15/08/2012 19:07 - United States - New Orleans

Today, I found out that instead of going on a date with a girl I've liked for months, I'm going to be forced to have lunch with my grandmother tomorrow. Instead of losing my virginity, I will get to be interrogated about why I'm single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 724
You deserved it 7 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you assume she would have sex with you?

This FML smells like it was written by someone under age 20...


Trying to get laid on the first dare, bro? hopefully you unclog the vein before you attempt to loose your virginity.

ktparker 5

This will sound lame, but fam first. You have plenty of time to go on a date with this (or really any) girl. You may not have plenty of time to spend with your grandmother (sorry for the sad thought)

You shouldn't go or if you really have to then tell here because I had to go see you instead of going on a date.

wubbazugg 5

YDI for assuming you'll get laid.

1098765432 0

Quit being a panzy bitch and go with te girl dumbass

How selfish are you? You should be glad to spend time with your grandmother, and FYI, not many girls 'put out' on the first date. You should want to be with the girl because you like her, not because ur expecting sex.

I wish I could go to lunch with my grandma. Love her while you can, jackass.

You're just being cranky because you wanna "do it like they do on the Discovery Channel," & Grandmama ****-blocked you. If you were that adamant about getting laid, why not reschedule?