By badadvise - 23/03/2012 04:05 - Mexico - Guadalajara

Today, I found out my marriage counselor is currently going through her second divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 292
You deserved it 2 583

Same thing different taste


Most times people who've lived offer the best advice :)

You must think your the only one with problems in their life, good for you!

Doesn't mean she can't give good advice. Everyone tells me I give the best relationship advice. They have since junior high. Now I'm 20, my longest relationship is 4months and I've currently been single for 3years. Personally, I don't think I'm so hideous that I'm undatable, I'm not the hottest girl around, but not the ugliest either. I always hear "if you get relationships this well and know how they work, how do you not have a boyfriend?! You'd be like perfect!" Sooo, you really can't judge the advice a person gives based on their own history. It's a lot easier to give the advice than it is to follow through with it yourself.

drethereason 0

She needs to quit her day job.

well, the most important thing is to know when to call it quits and realize when things are beyond repairing.

_overandout_ 10

Ever heard the expression 'those who can't do, teach'? :)

Wow that's the first time I've heard that one