By frigid - 12/10/2011 01:05

Today, I found out my landlord is too cheap to turn up the hot water tank enough to have a comfortable shower. There's a huge padlock on the door, she won't budge, and I'm signed in until December. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 969
You deserved it 2 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nomudkips 4

You need to keep your water heater at 140F/60C, otherwise Legionnaire's disease bacteria can grow inside the tank. It should be 125F/50C at minimum.

Check renter's rights in your area. There may be a standard your cheap ass landlord has to abide by.


Try working out right before your shower. Dancing works well. Then the cool shower will feel amazing.

op I've had my fair share of issues with landlords. this sounds like it could be a violation of the Canadian tenants act. call up the Alberta or federal govt. and see if it is. if so she's gotta turn it up or she's facing fines etc.

that better lower your rent. maybe get the right people involved.

erockinthesuburb 17

Padlocks only keep the honest people out. Sounds like you need to stop by Lowes and buy yourself some bolt cutters. You pay the rent, you deserve to be comfortable in your own place.

Not sure about in Canada, but that is a major safety violation and illegal in a lot of states. Those thinks leak and, rarely, spark and cause the fire dept and ask them about it.

structuredchaoz 4

This is why I am sure to get the legal plan at work. Lawyers come in handy when getting deposits back and dealing with slum landlords.

cajekraze 7

Time to call the department of fair housing