By Alison - 10/03/2012 22:48 - United States

Today, I found out I've miserably failed a college exam. My friend had agreed to pass me answers if I needed them, since I've hardly studied this year. We were on the phone when she said, "Oh, those answers were bullshit. Serves you right, huh?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 078
You deserved it 72 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments


you totally deserved it! anyone saying otherwise is a moron

What's your major... Poly Sci? Haven't taken ethics yet, have you?

That friend of yours is an absolute dick. Everyone has to cheat at some time or another. Whenever my friends need that, I help them. No need to be an asshole. As a fellow cheater, I know that feeling.

Lithiette 9

Sorry but I really don't want OP performing surgeries on me or handling my legal issues. I understand that in real life you usually have that information available to you on the spot, but then on some days you don't. A nurse almost killed my mother because she was a lazy ****** in college. And my grandfather-in-law died because of dumbass doctors who had no clue what they were doing. In college, it might seem okay to cheat. If you're a piece of shit. But in the real world, people die or have their lives ruined at your hands. Does cheating still sound okay to you?

I would've done the same thing your friend did. YDI

Maybe he did deserve to fail but that chick is a f******b**** for doing that. He probably would've failed anyway so why completely f*** him over all she had to do was say no.

smunky 1

I'm guessing OP and "friend" are pre-med.

miss_booboo_8 0

Ha dumbass U should study serves u right! Score for the friend!!:)

I'm so glad that today's society won't work for their achievements they just take the easy way out...