By Dioxin01 - 15/09/2010 20:55 - Canada

Today, I found out I'm being sued by the man whose life I practically saved a month ago. He says the way I pulled him out of the car he was trapped in has left him with permanent back problems. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 474
You deserved it 3 467

Dioxin01 tells us more.

Hey everyone, This happened while I was driving in the United States. Also if I hadn't helped him, there would be no chance of him being alive today.

Top comments

Wow, whatta bastard. Tell him to go **** himself.

that1guy1 13

counter sue. Good Samaritan law.


he's probably pissed you touched his wife, and now he thinks there's an affair.

the. good Samaritan law should prevent that

Lol yeah no joke thank God you're not in States or else you would have to pay the bastard of man...dude things just piss me off when I see you get punished for doing something good. OP you did the right thing don't worry and just tell the judge the guy should be paying you for saving his life and maybe risking your own? anyway thats so stupid you should sue him for being retarded.

Are you an EMT? You're protected if you recorded that PMS was present before you pulled him out, then you're fine. If you're a civilian then I believe you're protected anyway cause you saved his life and I don't think he can win a case like that. But I am so sorry this happened. People are such asses, esp in this country. This would not be allowed anywhere else in the world...

I wouldn't worry about it; they have no grounds to stand on assuming your law is similar to the UK's. I'm first aid trained and at 16, I've been sued for GBH when I resuscitated someone and they told the courts I broke bones and shit, and 'cause of how I pulled them away from the car, I had given them back problems. The courts just laughed and told them to **** off basically. So you should have nothing to worry about.

A judge should be allowed, when a stupid lawsuit case comes up of when someone is just trying to extort another for either a good deed or for a stupid thing they themselves did to cause hard to their own beings (McDonalds coffee lady, best example), to just have that person taken out of the court room and removed from society.

moonlight_daze 8

I heard this in the news back in September '09

DrewSaFur1313 2

and this would be the reason we need tort reform in this coutry. not only will any decent judge throw this case out IMMEDIATELY, but the guy suing will hopefully have to pay the costs for bringing a frivolous suit.