By Electro - 11/02/2016 21:51 - United States - Nashua

Today, I found out how painful it is to static shock the tip of your dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 211
You deserved it 7 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Men and their penis's. Fascinating how many stories men have of things they do to and with them.

I NEED to know more about this story! What the hell were you doing?!

Why in the name of God's purple ******** did you do that for?

kenwolfy 14

I want to hear OP's opinion on this. I wanna know what happened

Ha. I've had this happen, the gowns we sometimes wear at work are very prone to generating static as you take them off. The end of the gown likes to flip up and touch your crotch if you are not careful.